Is about time that my blog was updated I feel :0)
Wellingborough, was a nice small show, well run and very friendly, with some great classes for Todd and Jess, but with an exercise area the size of a postage stamp, and I was due to have camped but did not, for which I was grateful for as I always feel very sorry for the dogs who do not compete if they cannot have a good run a couple of times a day.
Todd came 8th in the open tunnel vision class, I have never done one of these classes before and it was really good fun, I think they should do more of them, and his next two classes I made silly errors, Jess did a really nice training run in her agility but did not get anywhere.
Rugby, is one of my favourite summer shows, I love being able to sit and watch the champs and the weather always seems to be good, and even though on the way to the show I drove through torrents of rain with hail stones, and then set the caravan up in it, by the morning the rain had subsided and the rest of the weekend weather was lovely.
Todd had a brilliant weekend, he had a lovely clear in his medium KC qualifier and then won the medium jumping, the same class that Andy and Kizzie won in the small, which was really nice, and we called it our double obay sweep :0), here are his two runs courtesy of Dennis, which I am very grateful for, I really must get my act together and start videoing runs again !! He also came 2nd in his agility on the Sunday. Jess also had a really good weekend getting a 4th and a 5th in her two jumping classes.
While Bernadette and Dennis were in Germany at the EOs I minded Jordan for them, bless her little heart she came into my house and she just fitted in ! like she had always been here, Todd and her had lots of playtime which she really enjoyed, I think he wore her out ! here is a picture of them together.
On the the Thursday after Rugby, I went over to spend some time with Nancy as Andy had gone to the EOs and she had just lost her beloved Abbey, we went for a really long walk and here is a picture of the dogs including Jordan all together no mean feet to get them all staying either !! just a shame that Tikka had to block out Jordan !!
The following weekend I was due to go to weardale, but decided to stay at home and have a chilled out weekend, which I am really relieved that I did because just for a change my van is back in the garage !!!!!!!!!! this time the turbo has blown up, I don't think that I have ever had such a rubbish vehicle in my life....and tbh I cant wait to get rid of it !! but the amount of things that have gone wrong now and been fixed perhaps it will now go on forever, but who knows !! I have hired a new vw Caddy and its brilliant.
On the Tuesday I had a trip into hospital for a GI as I have been having really bad tummy problems for a while, they thought I had gall bladder disease or an ulcer, but I have this instead, which is much better than having to have my gall bladder removed, just lots of antibiotics for a while, just would love to know where it came from ???. I also received some gorgeous flowers from Nancy and Andy which really cheered me up.
Delilah our new kitten is now fitting into our house so well she is absolutely adorable and very naughty, Tinkerbell and her are now beginning to be friends which is lovely, here are some shots of her in the safe courtyard bit of my garden, and also of Tinkerbell, the one with Tinkerbell trying to leap on Chopstix really makes me chuckle
Moving onto Agility club show, lovely show but HOW hot !! I know we should not moan about the weather but was too hot for me that's for sure. Todd however did not seem to mind the heat he ran really well and came 2nd in his 1 - 3 jumping, and I am so pleased as the trophies are gorgeous, the rest of his runs over the weekend were really good, he had a couple of poles down as I gave him his turn too early, and in one of his runs he was steaming along and my hat fell off which I momentarily stopped to catch it, don't ask me why just automatic reaction I suppose, but Todd stopped and I got a refusal, bahhhh never mind perhaps it will teach me not to run in one :0) Jess managed her 1st clear in the KC this weekend of the year and we came 28th ha ha ha way to slow !!!!!!!!!!! must try harder next year !!!! any way we have Burridge this weekend and I am just hoping that once again my van will be fixed so that I can tow my caravan there or we will be in a tent (yikes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Lastly I had to post his brilliant picture that Dennis took of Todd this weekend, thank you its fantastic :0), I see what you mean about Dennis getting brilliant shots of other dogs :0))))

Well done Toddie...he is getting soo tight and he seems to be bouncing jumps! fab...
Delilah looks georgous im pleased Tinkerbell has a new play mate!
Great that they have found what has been causing your pain and that it can be treated orally! hope u r feeling better soon..
xx :)
Someday I'll get a great picture of Zen or Hex....Just wait and see!
Well done with Todd and Jess!! Love the jumping picture of Toddie, he is just gorgeous!!
Brilliant update. I can't believe we got all those dogs in a stay for that photo. You can just see Jordan's ears as proof that she was there.
Well done with Todster, he is going so well you must be thrilled!
See you soon.
Try a spoonful of manuka honey a day to kill off the heliobacter bugs, not too cheap, but natural and very effective at killing them off- and with no risk of any antibiotic GI after-effects!
Chuckle at Dr Mark ;) Hope they can sort it so you feel better soon :)
You are good giving such a long update....mmmmm I am bad!!
Well Done with Todd he is a Star-let.
Grrr about the Van.
Lorna x
Love the picture of them all together, Granma obviously teaches the pups to pose before she let's them go as the Obay's are the only ones looking at the camera :)
You and Todd are going great guns aren't you.
Hi Karen
Using Iain's laptop so may not show its me (Helen)..sorry to hear about the nasty bacteria thing. Manuka honey is supposed to be brilliantly healing as Mark has said. I don;t suppose live yoghurt helps? (tho it might help offset the antibiotics effect) Hope it clears up fully soon. Hx
PS well done with Todd and Jess (pop got 30th in the Crufts on Sat hehe)
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