I ventured to Pollys today to walk the dogs round her field and it was glorious this morning, here are a few shots of the dogs and the equipment which I thought looked lovely all covered in snow. Poor Todd came off the worst he gets snow balls so big he cant walk here I think you can see some medium sized ones !!! and Tikka gets them too but not as bad here she is sporting her new jacket.
Yazoo is doing really well and we did some walking on the lead up and down my drive today I think my neighbours think that I am mad !!! she loves the snow in the garden and bounds around effortlessly. This picture is really funny as she is attacking the camera strap !!!
I have to say that coat is perfect on Tikka. I might just have to get that little pink duffle coat for Yazoo - tee hee!
Ohhh, poor Tod, getting pesky snow balls. Big is in sympathy, as snowballs keep trying to get him. And Yazoo, is just impossibly cute!
Grrr I am so jealous of all you people with snow!! I want some!! We just had snow in the morning that hardly laid and then pants rain.
Sometimes there are bad points about living on the coast.
Your dogs all looked like they enjoyed it though.
He sure does get snowballs very cute Yazoo looks so cute and all the dogs look like there having so much fun Very Cute
Isn't snow just IT?! I love snow! Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day with lots of puppy love!
licks & slobbers
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