Yazoo's six month birthday has come and gone and I cant believe how quickly the time has flown by, she is turning into a real little sweet heart, she is naughty but nice, just how I like my pups to be.
I have just finished a really lovely little pre agility foundation course with Kathrin Tasker, the emphasis was on teaching your pup to work with you, with tricks and general pre agility exercises, including balance and co ordination and getting you pup to work with you in a class with other pups too, I really enjoyed it and was extremely impressed with my little girl she is far more focused on me than I thought that she would be and she even managed to stay looking at me while her sister was working which I was very pleased about. She is good by the rings and shows little interest at the other dogs working, she at the moment has an on and off switch which is nice, I have found one thing though that she likes to chase and its magpies !! oh and she is pretty obsessed with rosettes too, so if you see her at prize giving hang on to them lol
The other thing that I joined in a few weeks ago was an agility boot camp run by Leah and Nancy, it was a three day boot camp but I couldn't’t do all of it due to a work commitment, but I went on the Saturday and joined in with their puppy foundation class which was brilliant, we did lots of different balance and shadowing work, and again, Yaz was completely focused on me not the other dogs, then I joined in the contact work shop with Todd, which I got a lot out of, I am pleased with Todd’s contacts, and he has fast stop 2 o 2 off contacts, but I am really bad at pushing the boundaries, and Nancy and Leah got me to push them and proof them, which I think has really helped in the last couple of weeks competition as Todd has been going really well. I will definitely do the whole of the boot camp next year if they do it !!
Paula took these pictures of Todd they are brilliant they depict him to a T!!
I have had a really good few shows and Todd has won 2 x agility classes and 1 x jumping class towards advanced, I am really proud of him, he gives his all in every run he does and its only me that lets him down sometimes. Jess not to be left out also got a 2nd place in a grade 6 7 jumping class this weekend at Axtane, which turned out to be a great weekend lots of friends doing really well. I got a sneak preview of Nancy’s Zeki doing some little bits and wow she is really lovely her A frame is brilliant.
Hannah did really well with Zazzy at Golden Valley and qualified for the Alpha Agility Challenge final so go Zazzy go !! it is so nice to see Zazzy so happy again, oh the trials and tribulations of being a girl, :-( !!!! also Jess and Becky (Banks :-)) came 3rd in the ped. pairs at Hinckly which we were pretty chuffed with just one outside of qualifying but the glass tumblers were handy lol lol lol
I spent the whole morning bathing all my dogs except 2 as they all went into a black muddy ditch and were black and stinky, Todd was not impressed with this new activity and I think I ended up with more water and mud on me in the end as he just kept shaking !!
I'm really looking forward to Lune and Barrow and am busy trying to get myself organised for the week, also am looking forward to having a celebration with my extremely clever son on Wednesday night as he has just got his results and has a 2 1 degree in English, so well done Dan, am proud of you ;-) beyond belief x

Well done Todd and Jess and Daniel ... ooh and Karen :o)
Oooh Karen Dan looks nice :) :)
Your son looks so much like you! Well done to both the boys in your family! :-)
Wow loads of news...well done Toddie u r one very special sheltie....ooo and not to forget that little bundle YAZOOOOOOO...who cracks me up she is soooo funny...i think what she would like for xmas is a new pair of socks!!
Mmmm how old did u say Daniel is now?? what a hunk (must take after his dad) lol xx Gr8 news re his degree...god it seems like yesterday he was learning to drive! i must be getting old...
have a fab hols and i promise to look after your little ones!
Way to go with the Charmer, super results all round :-)
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