Saturday was my birthday and I was meant to be at Scunthorpe............... but I have got a stinking cold and stayed at home instead, Chris went and got into the Champ final and ran past jump number 17 durrrrrrrrrrr long way to go bless him, as he didn't have a pairs either as I was here :0)
I had a very lazy morning, then took the dogs for a long walk, then did some weave training with Todd in the after noon, I had a bit of help with Gran ma when I went to see the pups last week, and have put the clear plastic guides on the V weaves and he is going through them really well, so I will continue to do this then gradually take them away, then I had a really lazy evening too, which is not like me at all as I really like to be on the go.
Chris brought me a new camera for my birthday it is a canon G9 powershot, so I will now be boring you lot even more with loads more pictures !!!! Here are a couple of pictures that I have taken with it, this is a weird thing that is like a panorama scene and it merges your pictures together, any way I liked it :0) perhaps Lian might like to help me with this lol lol lol
My house has now been re plastered and I now think that it was worth all the hard work, as it looks lovely, now just to paint it.
Well done to everyone that went to scrambles on Friday and Saturday especially Lian and Rosie who just won loads.
Sunday morning I woke up really early, must have been all the extra sleep I have had the last couple of days and there was a blanket of snow all over the garden, it looked really beautiful, but not the nicest of conditions to drive in, but I had promised Chris that we could go to uka on Sunday, so I wrapped up really warm put all the dogs coats on and I mean coats they all had two on !! and off we set to Walton on Thames for the UKA show, I thought that it may have been cancelled but it hadn't, Chris and I had a lovely walk for about an hour before the show, they dogs had a ball, I don't think that Todd has seen snow this deep before and he and sparkie ran round like a couple of loons eating the snow and generally having a lovely time, trouble is when you eat snow you need to peeeeee ha ha ha I have never seen two boys pee so much before !
I decided not to run my dogs at the show because I am a wimp and did not want them to hurt themselves or me to fall over, and Chris didn't run either, so was a bit of a waste of time going really but the walk was nice anyhow!
I then came back about 12.3o and thought that I would update my blog for a change ! post some pictures with my new camera any thing is better than rubbing the radiators down to repaint them :0) mmm enough of that back to the radiators now.
Happy Belated Birthday Karen! I hope Chris and the flurry gang spoiled you rotten! Wow! Another new camera, you must be real spoiled!! hehe ... like to meet your new camera!
Happy Birthday for Saturday! Hope you're feeling better.
Have put your birthday in my calendar so that I DO NOT FORGET IT NEXT YEAR. Sorry!
Lovely piccies of Todd!
Can you email me on
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